Monday, October 26, 2009

Photos are up!!!!

Sorry for the lack of posts. Have been pretty busy getting myself released from PwC and to work on my hostel. Been going to the hostel every 2 days to check on the progress, and here they are!!!!


I shall upload the during renovation pictures in the next few days!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New happenings!

A couple of milestone type of things have happened!!!!

I have finally tendered my resignation!
Last day in PwC will be 4 Nov 09!!! Unfortunately not that I have tendered, I totally don't feel like working anymore, especially when I am booked on assignments all the way till 4 Nov 09.

To a certain extent, I really think that I should be responsible and continue to work hard while I am still in the firm, however, I just cannot seem to concentrate. Urghhh!!!!!! I feel bad for my team, that is why I keep hinting to my TIC to try to get someone else to do those jobs since they will definitely be more efficient than me, with my loss of concentration at work, but he just didnt seem to get it! What can I do?

I have signed the lease to my new place!
Now, I can officially say that, I have leased the place and the address is 253 Lavender Street! Contractors should be going in next week and I will be painting the walls probably 2 weeks later!

The whole setting up a company is really exciting, and it seems like having a baby, I am pretty sure I have said that before! However, I will be lying if I say that I am not scared at all. My lifestyle will be completely changed when the hostel is set up:

1. No more clubbing and drinking at night
2. Waking up at 6:30am everyday to prepare breakfast for my guests
3. No more traveling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!